Sunday, May 25, 2008


Have you ever experienced having your pockets full with stuffs you don't need or never knew you had them?
Then one fine day, you decide to empty your pockets but for reasons unknown, you do not throw these random items just yet.
These are the items which perhaps to you at that time, did not carry any weight and you decide to just carry them around in your pocket just because you felt that you had to and there was no harm in keeping them.
And maybe, just maybe, when you decide to empty your pockets again tomorrow, items which you deemed insignificant yesterday, carries with them a recovered importance and deeper meaning.
To the eyes of others, they are mere objects of little value, but to you, there is more than meets the eye.So, you decide to carry what others may perceive as "junk" in your pocket for another day.


escape said...

nice post here. very true. coz what we see as junk might be of great value to others while what are sometimes of less value to others are valuable to us.

insulare said...

hi van. thank you for voting. cast your vote tomorrow for dong naman.

know what, you got a nice shot of the pic youve posted in this post. adorable. appropriate for your theme.

and, when you post your linky, do not put underscore in the address. cause the page might not be recognized and found.